
Rhinoplasty is surgery to improve shape of nose, it is also called nose job, nose reshaping surgery. Most of the times it’s combined with septoplasty and called septorhinoplasty. Rhinoplasty surgery is mainly alters the one nose shape by excising deviated parts of nasal septum and straightening position of nose bones by technique called osteotomies.


What are the deformities can be addressed by Rhinoplasty surgery?

Various deformities of nose are corrected ,like Crooked nose, saddle nose, nose tip deformity, bulbous tip, over projected nose ,under projected nose.

How long does Rhinoplasty surgery take?

Rhinoplasty generally takes 1.5 to 3 hours depending upon deformities which needs to be corrected.

What are the types of rhinoplasties?

There are two types of rhinoplasty technique followed over world. One is open rhinoplasty and other one is closed rhinoplasty. Open rhinoplasty is consisting of making small incision along columella. But this incision is very small, inconspicuous barely noticeable outside.

Closed rhinoplasty is carried out by making incisions inside nostrils and no external incision are done.

Does Insurance cover rhinoplasty?

Usually, cosmetic procedures are not covered under Insurance but septoplasty surgery is part of rhinoplasty and essential for improving breathing will be covered by Insurance.

What are implants used for rhinoplasty?

Silicone, Goretex are commercially available synthetic material which can be used for augmentation rhinoplasty in cases of saddle nose but there are many complications are reported due to use of implants like infection, extrusion and short nose deformities. In our Centre, we prefer to use  autologous tissue i.e patients own tissue like septal cartilage, conchal cartilage, rib cartilage and diced conchal cartilage to improve one’s shape, because very minimal risk of complications.

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